Monday, September 24, 2012

transfer day

holy moly. new brix on the raspberry is 10.1 this puts us at an 8.65% ABV. criminy. this is the highest we've hit yet. that secret ingredient is doing its job apparently. cant wait to try this brew.

Monday, September 17, 2012

brrreeww day

Wow. It's a been minute! Whats up internets?! We're brewing again. Finally. Maybe it's something to do with the changing of the leaves? Or maybe it's because the fall Beer as Art is just around the freaking corner and we haven't started yet! Yeah, that's probably it.

But wait! We're starting now! Brewing a raspberry amber for the show (the one you love, but with a little secret twist that you'll have to come to the show to try) as well as a cascadian dark ale. The names for each are The Stache' Comber and Mustache Rider. You have to guess which is which! ;)

Not going to bother posting the recipe because we have in the past and you can search for it if you so please.

The house smells DELISH! and will holla at you latah! e&p note: brix 19.4. OG 1.081.