Tuesday, January 31, 2012


transferring the B.P. into 2ndary today. New brix is 11.5. Totally not where we were hoping (thats a f.g. of 1.047 and we were shooting for 1.027) bah!
oh well. we'll see what happens in a couple weeks. perhaps we will have a session ale. har har.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

first brew of the new year!!!

holy oh my, its been awhile since we posted! We have brewed since sept., although not much. just another batch of our pale, and we forgot to take any measurements so we never bothered to post about it. but! we're brewing right now and posting about it!
here ya go:

Baltic Porter:
.25 lb black patent
.25 lb chocolate
.25 lb crytal 10L
12 oz honey (roughly .5 lb, slightly over)
6 lbs malt - light
1 lb malt - light (dry)
.5 oz glacier hops (60 min) (AA 5.6%)
1 oz galena hops (30 min) (AA 13.4%)
wyeast 1338 - european ale

we are shooting for a 6.0% ABV, a dark and creamy color, and a sharp, but not punch-you-in-the-face sharp, hoppy-ness.

A note about the honey:
We bought a local wildflower honey and we added it to the wort after the boil, while the wort was still cooling (~125 degrees).

inital brix: 16.2
orignal gravity: 1.067 (right on target!!)

damn it feels good to be a gangsta.