Monday, March 21, 2011

Bottling Day!

No change on the Black IPA brix, still a 10.5, and a final ABV of 6.85%.
Bottle count: 27 22oz bottles.

We also have exciting news coming very, very soon! As in, by the end of the week. We'll be sure to let you know ;)

And remember! The ONLY way to try this beer is to come to Beer As Art on Sunday, April 10th. To gain access to this event you MUST RSVP! There will not be exceptions made. Things have to be kept legal. How do you rsvp? You simply email me at and I'll make sure your name is on the list!

Monday, March 7, 2011

ESB update

new brix is 8.4. This puts our current ABV at 7.01%. Whats up now bitches? Get your beer goggles over here!

bottle count:
24 - 22oz bottles
4 - 12oz bottles

Damn. That's a dark beer.

I bet our yeast cake is cleaner than your yeast cake!! ;)

updates updates updates

New brix on the black IPA is 10.5. This puts the current ABV at 6.85%, which is pretty much right what we were expecting it to. Oh yeah, we're transferring to 2ndry today. And its beautiful. Dark, silky, and omg can't see anything into it. It's just completely black. Dynamite! haha.

We are also bottling the ESB today. I'll update with a final ABV and bottle count later.