Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bottling the birthday beer!

New brix on the raspberry amber: 7.0. This gives us an ABV of 7.7%. Totally acceptable.
This beer will be at Erin's birthday, $7 each or 3 for $20.

Final bottle count: 24 22oz's!!

Monday, May 16, 2011


We also decided to bottle the pale. The new brix is 9.4 which gives a final ABV of 7.47%. Lisa is going to have a GREAT graduation party ;)

Final bottle count: 46 12oz. A little shy of the target, but meh. It is what it is :)

Birthday Beer Transfer Day!

Transferring the raspberry amber (it's beautiful!!). New brix is 8.4%. This gives us a current ABV of 7.28%. Hell. To. The. Yes. And it still has time to go! We will like bottle early so that it has more time to carbonate before the birthday festivities. We'll keep you posted!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Birthday brewing!!

Brewing my 30th birthday Raspberry Amber today :) A little bit later than we had originally planned but since we're so amazing at slacking... well, whatev.

Recipe (same as for the KMO wedding):
Volume: 5 gallons


6 lbs bulk malt pale syrup
3 lbs Briess dry amber malt (brewcraft)

3/4 lbs German Wheat
1/2 lbs English Crystal 10L
1/2 lbs Belgian Caramunich
1/4 lbs Dextrin

Boiling Hops:
1 oz Mount Hood (5.5% AA)

Finishing Hops:
1 oz Centennial (9.2% AA)

Wyeast American #1056

48 oz Raspberries

brix: 16.4%. This gives us specific gravity of 1.068. Last time we said 16.5. This easily could pass for that, the line is so dang tiny. I'd say we are right on with making the exact same kick ass beer that we made for KMO's big day :)

This beer will be at Erin's 30th birthday getaway. If you are one of the lucky people that will be attending then you will have the chance to try this beer. It will be sold by donation at the party.

We're each drinking an ESB tonight. This is the beer that unfortunately was not ready for Beer As Art. However, it's pretty damn ready now! Well, it could still have some more head retention. But it's likely that there is too much alch in it. It's pretty strong. This beer will be at the birthday party as well.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pale update

Transferring to secondary today, new brix is 11.9, which puts our current ABV at 5.4%. We expect this to go up still (since there is still fermenting going on).

Next week we'll be brewing. There is still a Beer As Art post coming! Eventually, I promise :)

That's all for now :)