Tuesday, June 19, 2012

bottling day!

bottling the ipa, total bottle count: 24.5 22oz bottles. final brix is 6.5 which puts us at a fg of 1.008 and a final abv of 5.9% (so, no change from last time).

we have also been sipping on a bottle of the ballistic baltic 2 (from beer as art, the one with less honey). it has aged nicely! we are both very happy with it. the hopps are very evenly balanced with the honey, giving it a full front and a smooth finish. you also really get a sense for the honey on the nose. this beer smells like summer in a glass.

we are in the midst of devising out next brew. we have a name: negro chihuahua. its time we made a beer after e's dog. you knew it was going to happen. the style? you'll find that out next week.
::cough cough::
because we're still working on it ::cough cough::

till next time!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Transfer day!

Transferring the ipa today into 2ndary. New brix: 6.5. Which gives us a FG of 1.008. Still technically a little low, but we were low on the initial as well, so nbd. Current ABV 5.9%. Not too bad. The color is dead on perfect. Kind of an ambery-yellow. You can really smell the hops. This beer is not lacking in aroma. Doing high kicks over here. Till later. e&p