Tuesday, January 18, 2011

ob la di ob la da

It's transfer day! The beer is GORGEOUS!!! Wow, I can't even believe how beautiful and black as night it is. Hot damn.
Our latest brix is a 9.5, which puts our current ABV at 4.9%. Again, not quite the number we were shooting for. We're gonna give this one a 3lb malt increase next time and see how that works out, but we're also thinking this will need to be one of our first all grain batches. Maybe it's just one of those styles that you can't really hit quite right unless you brew all grain :P We sure as hell don't know but that's part of the fun :)

Till next time,

erin and pat

Monday, January 10, 2011

WOOOOO! It's been awhile!

First post of 2011!!!! No, we haven't died or stopped brewing. Well, we took a vay-kay thru the holidays but now we're back! Gearin' up for switching to the all-grain brewing style, deciding on beers for the spring 2011 Beer As Art, considering an IPA contest, and so much more!
Tonight we are brewing a black IPA. We've already decided that it will be called The Dark Crystal. Yeah, its perf, right? Our generation!! yah.
1.0 lb crystal 80L
0.5 lb Black Patent
6 lbs dark malt
3 lbs dry dark malt
1.0 oz Mt Hood hopps
1.0 oz Hallertau hopps
1.0 oz Centennial hopps
2.0 oz Willamette hopps/finishing (grown locally in Ballard, WA!!!)
Wyeast Northwest Ale #1332
Irish Moss
60 minute boil.

Brix is 14.8%, which gives us an OG of 1.061. We were aiming for 1.07 so we'll see how it turns out. We may add another 3lbs of malt to the next batch. We'll just have to wait and see :)

We would really like to submit this beer for Beer As Art, along with a second style, which has yet to be determined. We will be doing both beers in the extract brewing style for this one, but hopefully in the all-grain style for the fall one. Time is a bitchy mistress. We would certainly love your suggestions for a 2nd style :) If you come up with a fantastic name to go with that style, we may use that as well ;)