Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Brew night

Tonight we are attempting to reproduce the BrEd. Following the same recipe (and brewing method) as before:

<<6 lbs amber malt extract
1 lb light amber extract (dry)
2 oz Perle hops
16 oz 40L Belgian Caramunich
4 oz chocolate malt
8 oz munich
1332 Northwest Wyeast
1 tsp Irish Moss

Seep all the grains as the water heats up. As boil approaches, remove the grain and add the malt extract. Stir occasionally. Once boil is reached, put in 1 oz of hops. At 40 minutes, add Irish Moss. At 45 minutes of boil, at 1/2 oz of hops. At 55 minutes, add the rest of the hops. Boil is done at 60 minutes.>>

This beer will be at the tasting party, which has been set for Saturday August 14th at 7pm. Cross your fingers for us that it turns out the same as before! Reproduction is the test this week!

Brix: 12.5%, which puts our specific gravity at 1.051. The previous time we brewed this batch the brix was 12.8% and the SG was 1.052. Pretty damn close. We'll see how it tastes!

Some of the reviews we've gotten from friends so far are things like:
-this beer didn't have that "home brew" taste
-great hoppy bite but with a smooth finish
-great aroma
-fantastic head retention

Hopefully, our 2nd shot will come out as good (or better!) than our first.

It's after midnight now and time to post/take pat home/go to bed!

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