Monday, June 21, 2010

Raspberry Brew, round 2!

Today, we are re-doing the raspberry. We are following essentially the same recipe as before but with a few changes. Our goal is to increase the ABV and lower the sweetness level a bit.

Volume: 5 gallons
6 lbs bulk malt pale syrup
3 lbs Briess dry malt (brewcraft)

3/4 lbs German Wheat
1/2 lbs English Crystal
1/2 lbs Belgian Caramunich
1/4 lbs Dextrin

Boiling Hops:
1 oz Mount Hood hops (5.2% AA)

Finishing Hops:
1 oz Centennial hops (8.5% AA)

Wyeast American #1056

48 oz Raspberries

Same cooking procedure as before :) We'll let you know how it turns out!

In other news, we've decided that the brown is actually a red. It's delicious. A little on the hoppier side (which both Patrick and I prefer) than we had initially intended for it. We're going to keep the recipe on file as a red, and try another brown in the coming. We will of course post the recipe we use.
We will probably start on the Dunkelweizen before we redo the brown. We want to give ourselves ample time to get that recipe down since it's an important one! (for Monique and Kris's wedding).

Till next time,

Have a HOPPY day!


EDIT: Raspberry brix is 15.6%. This puts our specific gravity at 1.06. Fantastic!

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