Monday, February 21, 2011

Another brew/transfer day

Transferring the ESB to secondary and brewing a revised batch of the black ipa.
New brix on the ESB is 8.4, which puts the current ABV at 7.01%. Soooo we overshot a tad, but hey, at least you'll get real tipsy off it ;)

1 lb black patent
1/2 lb crystal 80L
Wyeast 1332 Northwest Ale
1.5 oz Magnum hops (13.1 AA) (beginning of boil)
1 oz Golding hops (locally grown in Ballard, AA between 4 and 6) (finishing)
9 lbs dark malt

Brix is 17.8. Which gives us a specific gravity of 1.0874, which is right on! Damn, we're good. Brush our shoulders off? ;)

Till next time, have a hoppy day :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Brew Day :) :)

Brewing our Extra Sexy Brew for Beer As Art Spring 2011!!! This event will take place on Sunday, April 10th, at Derby Salon in Seattle (same place as last time). Oh, and don't fret, we'll be sure to remind you PLENTY of time about Beer As Art ;)

1 lb crystal 80L
8 lbs amber malt
Wyeast 1098 British Ale
1.5 oz Amarillo hops boil (45 mins) (7.2 AA)
.5 oz Amarilla hops finishing (15 mins)
irish moss

Slightly different recipe than last time. Hoping to up the ABV just a tad (just for fun).

Initial brix: 16.1. This gives us a specific gravity of 1.066. Yowza ;)

In other exceptionally interesting news, the black IPA is totally fucking delish. Its the perfect color. Has a fantastic aroma. It could be slightly hoppier (so we're messing with the hop bill on the next run). You'll have to come out to Beer As Art to try it ;)

Till next week!

<3 erin and pat

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bottling Day!

Bottling the black ipa in 22's as I'm feeling sick and lazy (erin).

New brix:9.1
Current ABV: 5.2%

Better, but still not quite what we had hoped for. Oh well, that's what test batches are for, right? ;) All this means is that we have a lot of delicious beer that we need to drink up ;)

Total bottle count (22's): 28 (+1 12oz bottle).

1oz taste test: DAYUM!! Dark, full bodied, and hoppy!! so good. Can't wait to see how this is in a couple/few weeks!